This session will focus on two major developments in the world’s insurance capital. The UK Government is nearing the end of a consultation on establishing the UK as a competitive global captive domicile. Given London’s status as a leading global insurance hub, this could become one of the more significant industry developments of the year.
Lloyd’s recently licensed its first captive syndicate under a newly revised structure. Establishing a captive at Lloyd’s has several compelling benefits, among them:
* No fronting carrier necessary in over 80 countries, including the US
* Captive syndicates share Lloyd’s excellent financial ratings (AA- by S&P)
* The ability to write related third-party business.
Following this presentation, attendees will have a strong understanding of current efforts to establish the UK as a global captive domicile, and the various implications this may have for the captive industry. They will also have a firm understanding of how a captive can be set up at Lloyd’s, and the many benefits available under Lloyd’s unique structure.
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