Seth Madnick, Alliant Insurance Services
Roberto Rivera-Rodriguez, Alliant

Insurance market pressures are fueling the growing use of property insurance in captives to combat rate increases and capacity reductions. Captives are a viable risk financing solution in response to these market-driven issues for qualified clients.
Deductible buydown or deductible reimbursement policies, fronted policies and structured solutions are ways in which captives may participate in property coverage. This session will explain the effective use of placement of property risk for both price and capacity in commercial business as well as for catastrophe coverage.
Following this presentation, audience members will be able to understand the effective use of a captive for property placements and how to use a captive as leverage for placement negotiations; the different property insurance placement options for both primary and excess layers; and the collateral needs of insuring companies and how captives offer a risk financing solution.
ICCIE Continued Education credit available for session participants.
4040 Central Florida Pkwy
Orlando, FL 32837
United States