Session 5: A Captive Kaleidoscope: Your Captive Through Different Viewpoints (ICCIE CE Credit Available)
Date & Time
Thursday, January 25, 2024, 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Rae Brown Melissa Hollingsworth Amy O'Brien Anne Marie Towle

Diversity is more than just a trendy buzzword – when businesses have diverse teams, they reap the benefits of higher profitability, greater innovation, better decision-making, and more engaged employees. While the positive impact of workplace diversity is well studied and documented, companies still struggle to get it right due to challenges in hiring and a lack of understanding of exactly what creates diversity.

Members of Amplify Women engage in a panel discussion about the challenges and benefits of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. The discussion will ask panel members to provide their own experiences of diversity in the workplace, explain the benefits of diversity at all levels of a company, offer real examples of how a diverse workforce can be attracted and retained, and offer advice on the challenges of navigating diversity in the workplace. Please join this session as members of Amplify Women provide their insight on how building a diverse team can drive growth and innovation in your captive.

Following this presentation, audience members will be able to clearly understand that DEI initiatives are here to stay. Organizations that choose not to embrace this way of doing business will ultimately fall behind in the competitive landscape.

 ICCIE Continued Education credit available for session participants. 

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United States
Session Type
Panel Discussion